03.14.10 Does Cranberry + Apple = Cranberry-Apple?
The question that has been on our minds recently is: is mixing two infused vodkas equivalent to having both of the ingredients infused together? For example, is half a shot of strawberry vodka plus half a shot of vanilla vodka equivalent to a shot of vodka that was infused with strawberry and vanilla simultaneously?
Normally, we'd use 1 cup fruit for 750ml vodka. That is approximately 1 apple. Since cranberries have a strong tart flavor, we do not want it to overwhelm the more subtle apple. So, we are guessing that we should use half as much cranberry as we normally would. We used a Macintosh apple and half a Fuji apple, both proportionally equal in the two infusions.
375 ml Fris
1/2 cup frozen cranberries, cut in half
1 apple, thinly sliced
187.5 ml Fris (6.25 oz)
187.5 ml Fris (6.25 oz)
1/4 cup frozen cranberries, cut in half
187.5 ml Fris (6.25 oz)
187.5 ml Fris (6.25 oz)
1/2 apple, thinly sliced
3.21.10 Needs more Apple
3.21.10 Needs more Apple
Filtered all 3 infusions. The apple was definitely not strong enough, so we added more apples (1 Pink Lady, 1/2 a Macintosh), again split proportionally equal between the two infusions.
03.28.10 Done?
Filtered the apples out of the cranberry-apple and apple infusions.
E: nice balance bet apple and cranberry tartness. No vodka flavor at all. A very nice rose coloring. Ben: I know it's vodka but I don't taste the alcohol. Tastes like cranberry apple. The thing that struck me the most is that there's no alcohol flavor.
E: tastes like apple juice, but still some vodka flavor, could go for another round to make it better.