Sunday, February 21, 2010


11.22.09 Kiwi (half size)

1/2 cup sliced kiwi, 1/2 t sugar and 12.5 oz Svedka vodka. We packed the kiwi in the cup pretty tightly so we ended up using just over 1.5 kiwis.

12.20.09 Slow progress

Almost a month later, and the flavor is still pretty weak. We should have switched out the fruit sooner but we were busy. We removed the kiwi and replaced it with 2 sliced kiwi (just over 3/4 cup) and added 1/2 teaspoon of sugar.

12.31.09 Is it good?

E: there is a distinct kiwi aftertaste, not much vodka burn, but the beginning taste is unpleasant. L: This tastes bad at the beginning, doesn't burn and fades into something acceptable, but not good.

In an attempt to fix this up, we took some vodka out to taste/experiment with. E mixed in some sugar which made it taste better. He then added a bit of salt, which L thought made it taste like a margarita.

2.21.10 Done! And surprisingly good.

Filtered. L: the flavor improved. The kiwi after taste is pretty good. This definitely is not for drinking straight. E: "Actually it's not that bad. Took for $*%!ing ever, but it's not that bad. I could deal with that." We're surprised that this one improved so much.

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