Sunday, February 21, 2010


11.22.09 Kiwi (half size)

1/2 cup sliced kiwi, 1/2 t sugar and 12.5 oz Svedka vodka. We packed the kiwi in the cup pretty tightly so we ended up using just over 1.5 kiwis.

12.20.09 Slow progress

Almost a month later, and the flavor is still pretty weak. We should have switched out the fruit sooner but we were busy. We removed the kiwi and replaced it with 2 sliced kiwi (just over 3/4 cup) and added 1/2 teaspoon of sugar.

12.31.09 Is it good?

E: there is a distinct kiwi aftertaste, not much vodka burn, but the beginning taste is unpleasant. L: This tastes bad at the beginning, doesn't burn and fades into something acceptable, but not good.

In an attempt to fix this up, we took some vodka out to taste/experiment with. E mixed in some sugar which made it taste better. He then added a bit of salt, which L thought made it taste like a margarita.

2.21.10 Done! And surprisingly good.

Filtered. L: the flavor improved. The kiwi after taste is pretty good. This definitely is not for drinking straight. E: "Actually it's not that bad. Took for $*%!ing ever, but it's not that bad. I could deal with that." We're surprised that this one improved so much.


11.22.09 Mango (one half size and two test sizes)

We had intended to do a full size mango infusion, but as we were about to put it together, E got the idea that we should try the infusion with salt, instead of sugar. L did not take well to this, so we agreed to do some tests.
Mango - control: 1/2 c sliced mango and 12.5 oz Svedka vodka.
Mango - sugar: 1/4 c sliced mango, 1/4 t sugar and 6.25 oz Svedka vodka.
Mango - salt: 1/4 c sliced mango, 1/4 t salt and 6.25 oz Svedka vodka.
12.20.09 More mango
Replaced the Mango in all sample sizes. Added 6.25 oz of Svedka to the salt version since it was too salty. Yuck!

12.31.09 Taste tests
Mango w/ salt.
Lissa says: This was absolutely disgusting! Apparently I did the unhappy bunny dance when I tried this, before running to the sink to spit it out. E's reaction was more calm. The flavor was still too salty, even after trying to dilute it by adding another 6.25 oz of vodka. It might make a good margarita. L thinks that it won't even be good for that. This version of the mango infusion is clearer than the other two. We decided that is an absolute failure.
Mango w/ sugar.
E: slightly less disgusting, due to not being so salty. L agrees, but still does not like it.
Mango - control.
This one was the most cloudy and it was a deeper yellow in color than the other two. We also both agree that it was less disgusting than its salt and sugar siblings. L: it would be just ok, except that it has a funky aftertaste. E: this would go best in some sort of margarita mix.
2.21.10. The results are in!
Filtered all 3.
The salted one was awful! Just too much salt. We pitched it. This is the first one that we've poured down the sink. In the future, salt could be useful but we need to use a lot, lot less.
Sugar, Control. Tasted pretty much the same. We both thought they were ok. Probably not worth doing a mango infusion again, or would have to have a 3rd round of mangoes put in.


11.22.09 Almond (half size)

1/2 cup chopped Almonds and 12.5 oz Fris vodka. We chose Fris because we thought the almond flavor would be too subtle and may be overtaken by the stronger flavor in the Svedka vodka.


We've tasted this one a couple times since it was started. The flavor is finally coming along nicely. It has a very distinct almond taste at the beginning, but leaves quite a burn at the end. We're going to let this one go longer, in hopes of losing more of the burn.

2.21.10 After 3 months - Done for now.

Filtered the vodka finally. The almond 'skins' were faded and the interior was discolored to a light brown. On top of the vodka was a fine sheen of almond oil. E: the flavor is very light and still has lots of vodka burn. Tastes like almond, but the almond flavor would be lost if it was mixed with anything. L agrees. We'd like to do a second round of infusion on this one.

750 ml vodka
1 cup chopped almonds

Infusion time: 3 months.
This would be improved by adding another 1 cup of almonds and infusing again.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Vodka notes

Quantity Scalings
750 ml = 1 bottle = 25 oz
375 ml = 1/2 bottle = 12.5 oz
187.5 ml = 1/4 bottle = 6.25 oz



750 ml $8

We decided to try something new, and filter a cheap vodka to see if it could be improved. We were inspired to try this because of the success it had for the Mad Scientists.

E: Not as bad as I thought it would be, but I'm the hangover would be nasty
L: Has a funky taste at the beginning, but not nearly as bad as I thought it would be, but a definite burn at the end.

Barton, 4x filtered in the Brita
E: more watered down, the flavor wasn't as strong. The difference between filtered and unfiltered wasn't that big, but it did make it a little bit smoother
L: Filtering improved it, lessened the funky flavor at the beginning.

At one of our vodka tasting parties, a guest told us that Mythbusters covered this in an episode. Here's the Mythbusters episode summary (under Vodka Myths III, Top Shelf Filtration)



Pretty smooth vodka with the usual burn. Decent flavor from initial tasting but nothing exciting.


Potato Vodka

L: I like it. It has a bit of flavor and minimal burn.
E: The burn is not too bad. A lot of flavor and a little bit of sweetness to it. I like it. The vodka flavor is one of the best ones I've had yet.

This is our new contender against Fris, to be our default vodka.


750 ml $??
L: weird taste at the start but a mild burn. (retaste of Fris: slight sweet flavor at beginning mild burn.)
E: Smooth. Didn't taste the flavor at the beginning, but had just done a cinnamon vodka shot. Thought it was pretty good.



750mL $??, 1.75L $22
4x distilled with an extra use of frozen distilled process.
Smooth with a clean finish.
E: Less burn and smoother than Pinnacle. Has a unique taste - not necessarily great. Even though I like the sweeter beginning of Pinnacle, I prefer Fris because it's smoother.
L: Smoother than Pinnacle. Not nearly as much of a burn, much more mild. Definitely has a taste to it.

Ketel One

Wheat vodka

L: This has more burn than Chopin.
E: More burn and I don't like the flavor as much as Chopin.


5x distilled, crafted in America, grain (corn)
E: It's really sweet. Not a bad burn. I'd buy it and infuse with it, esp fruits since it already adds its own natural sweetness. 
L: almost tastes like citrus, sort of sweet. mild burn. (more than Fris).
Conclusion: We like this one and will add it to our top picks list. Fris & Chopin are still better, E says this has a bit of a dirty ending. As the flavor is strong, we would have to be careful to to infuse this with the correct ingredients (e.g. ginger or fruit). This would be bad to infuse with nuts or something with a subtle flavor.


750 ml $13

Unknown amount of times distilled.
Sweet beginning but more harsh than Fris.
The guy at the liquor store said it's made by the people who do Grey Goose, and it's Grey Goose's little brother.
E: sweet beginning, but of an aftertaste then it burns and burns. I like the sweeter beginning.
L: not too bad. I can tolerate it. It does have a lingering burn.


750 ml $??
7x distilled
Midgrade vodka that was pleasant but a bit more harsh vs. Fris.


Triple-distilled. American grain.  
E: not a heavy burn,but the after taste is not good.  
L: bad taste at beginning, light burn at end but bad taste lightens and persists.


Wheat vodka

E: Don't like it. It's bitter.
L: Sweet. Minimal burn, definitely less burn than Ketel One. Out of the ones we've tried today, I still like Chopin the best.



750ml $15
3x distilled
Very harsh vodka.

Stawski Potato

L: slight flavor, but not a bad one. minimal burn, but still more burn than Fris
E: "ew, oh god that was bad". Medium burn, bad flavor - muddley bitter. He tried it again, and said, "That's like drinking Smirnoff" pounded on the table while pointing at me. "And you can quote me on that, but include the pounding and the pointing of the finger."


$20/1.75L 5x distilled.  
E: pretty strong burn at the beginning. Not too bad.  
L: sweet, heavy burn at end.
Fris (try for comparison). E: smoother beginning burn at end. Less sweet. Slightly less burn than Svedka. L: smoother, slight burn at end. More flavor neutral (not as sweet) E says if we're looking for a sweeter vodka, then Svedka would be a better buy.

$14/750ml, but we had a $5 off coupon.
E: Leaves a warm glow all the way down, and not in the good way
L: Strong taste at beginning, strong burn through out. I hate to say it, but the cheap Barton vodka, unfiltered, tasted better than this. Never again.
Now I know why it had that coupon.

Tenure, twice filtered
E: Better, cut the burn in half.
L: Still strong flavor, but improved. Less burn, but not half as much. Likely could be improved with additional filtering.

We don't want to bother with additional filtering.

(4x distitlled)
E: "Oh, my god, that's worse than smirnoff, that's disgusting" that's bottom shelf vodka. (L: your'e just enjoying being emphatic now) I am damn right.
L: Bad flavor, bad burn. The flavor traveled up and invaded my nasal cavity, ew.

(5x distilled, potato vodka)
$20 (on sale) for 1.75 L
E: strong burn in beginning. Fades into a sweet starch. 
L: strong flavor at first, E thinks I should call it "lip curling bad flavor" from the expression on my face. Quite the burn which lingers for a while then fades.
Conculsion: we disagree about the quality. E likes it, L doesn't. However we agree that is is not as good as either Fris or Chopin.