08.30.09 Peach
750 ml Skyy Vodka
1 cup thinly sliced peaches (a bit overripe, oops)
1 tsp sugar
Decided to start a peach infusion which should turn out light in color and flavor. We decided to use Skyy for this one because we thought the sweetness of the peaches would help mask the bitterness E tasted in Skyy.
09.13.09 Tasting and reinfusing
Strong vodka taste and a slight peach after taste. It barely tastes like any fruit. Lissa thinks it has a bit of sweet front but mostly vodka. We grabbed 2 more peaches (1 cup of white peaches) and added 2 more teaspoons of sugar.
Here is the singly infused peach vodka with the new peaches to be added. We don't expect much color change this time.
09.20.09 Tasting
L: Improved. Has a weird flavor at the beginning, then moves into a mild peach flavor. Not much of a burn. It's not as strong of a flavor as I'd like.
E: Much improved. It's sweeter, probably all that sugar we added. It's smoother, much less burn.
E took one for the team and tasted a bit of peach. There was still some flavor left in it, so we decided to let this one sit for a bit longer in an attempt to extract as much additional flavor as possible.
10.10.09 Declared done.
E tasted this and says that it is improved. Peach taste with a bit of a vodka burn at end. It could be further improved by another round with fresh peaches, but we don't feel like doing it. The finished product, with more color change than we had anticipated.
750 ml vodka
1 cup thinly sliced peaches (~2 peaches)
1 tsp sugar
Infuse for 2 weeks.
Remove peaches and replace with:
1 cup thinly sliced peaches
2 tsp sugar
Infuse for 1-3 more weeks, to taste.
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