07.18.09 Cinnamon test size
2 cinnamon sticks + 1/4 tsp sugar. 250ml Fris vodka (1/3 bottle).
Research suggests that this should be done in a week. (started infusion at 07.19 @12:20am)
Mad Scientists blog used 3 sticks, 1/2 spoonful of sugar for 750 ml vodka with a 2 week infusion time. We'll experiment and double the amount of cinnamon sticks to see if that will speed up the infusion time.
Hypothesis: 6 sticks in 750 ml vodka = 1 week infusion time. Scaled to 250ml = 2 sticks & 1/4 tsp sugar.
E: "floating sticks of awesomeness"
07.19.09 Taste Test
Vodka has taken on a reddish brown color.
E: Vodka with cinnamon aftertaste. Definitely needs more time.
07.25.09 Taste Test
Sampled this one again. Has a cinnamon flavor, but still plenty of burn. We'll give it some more time.
08.02.09 Cinnamon Test done - 2 week infusion time
E: Lovely cinnamon aroma. Still has a little bit of a vodka smell. L: Smells very strongly like cinnamon. Strong cinnamon taste at start, continuing throughout, a bit of a vodka burn, but still a moderate-strong cinnamon finish.
Vodka has taken on a very nice brown-red color.
Vodka has taken on a very nice brown-red color.
Filtered using the funnel. Super-easy. :)
08.02.09 Cinnamon Version 1
This was so great, we decided to make a full-scale version right away. We used a new vodka that we had just picked up: Vodca Exclusiv, 750 ml. Decided to re-use the previous 2 cinnamon sticks, and add 2 more new cinnamon sticks plus 1 tsp sugar. To scale correctly, we should have used 6 cinnamon sticks and 3/4 tsp sugar. This may screw up infusion times, but we'll use what we have and learn.

08.09.09 Declared done - 1 week infusion time
Filtered using the funnel. The infusion had a really nice caramel color. It had a very strong cinnamon scent, with a vodka burn. We both agree that it has a heavy cinnamon flavor with barely any vodka taste. The cinnamon is potent and raw. It has a wonderful aroma and will be great for mixing.
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