Sunday, March 22, 2009


03.09.09 Gingercello

We started our first infusions today. We used Daniel's Blog post about how to make a cocoa infused liquor as the guidelines for our infusions, which were cocoa and ginger. For each infusion, we had one 750ml bottle of 190 proof Everclear.
We started out by grating the ginger and then eventually got impatient and just started to slice it. Ultimately, we ended up with ~3/4 cup ginger (1/2 grated, 1/2 sliced into small strips).

We poured in the Everclear. Then Emilio took the infusions to their shelf, and we had to wait.

03.22.09 Gingercello done!

We tasted the ginger-Everclear infusion and declared it to be done. Total infusion time was 13 days. The contents of the bottle had settled with a very interesting texture (see above photo). We double filtered it with paper coffee filters. Next, we made up a simple syrup: 4 c water, 5 c sugar. Bring to a boil and then simmer for a few minutes. The infusion before mixing with the syrup is shown below.

Preliminary taste testing results for ginger-to-syrup ratio: slightly more than 1.5 parts syrup for 1 part ginger. The final ratio: 3 1/4 c ginger-Everclear and 5 1/4 c syrup.

We store in the freezer, and this has become thicker with age. Here's a photo of the finished product!

750 ml Everclear
3/4 cup ginger
Infusion time 13 days
Mix with syrup to taste.

syrup: 4 c water, 5 c sugar. Bring to a boil and then simmer for a few minutes.
We used approximately 1.5 parts syrup for 1 part ginger.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Welcome to Journeys of Infusion!  This blog is written by Emilio and Lissa to chronicle our experiments in vodka infusions, and occasionally other infusions as well.  

We decided to try out making infusions after sampling an amazing infused chocolate liquor at a house party in Montreal.  Thanks Daniel!  

We are experimenting with the process as we go along.  We're hoping to make many different flavors of infused vodkas and to try some non-standard varieties as well.   This will be a fun journey, likely with successes and failures.  Enjoy!