03.09.09 Gingercello
We started out by grating the ginger and then eventually got impatient and just started to slice it. Ultimately, we ended up with ~3/4 cup ginger (1/2 grated, 1/2 sliced into small strips).
We poured in the Everclear. Then Emilio took the infusions to their shelf, and we had to wait.
03.22.09 Gingercello done!
We tasted the ginger-Everclear infusion and declared it to be done. Total infusion time was 13 days. The contents of the bottle had settled with a very interesting texture (see above photo). We double filtered it with paper coffee filters. Next, we made up a simple syrup: 4 c water, 5 c sugar. Bring to a boil and then simmer for a few minutes. The infusion before mixing with the syrup is shown below.
Preliminary taste testing results for ginger-to-syrup ratio: slightly more than 1.5 parts syrup for 1 part ginger. The final ratio: 3 1/4 c ginger-Everclear and 5 1/4 c syrup.
We store in the freezer, and this has become thicker with age. Here's a photo of the finished product!
750 ml Everclear
3/4 cup ginger
Infusion time 13 days
Mix with syrup to taste.
syrup: 4 c water, 5 c sugar. Bring to a boil and then simmer for a few minutes.
We used approximately 1.5 parts syrup for 1 part ginger.